The Duluth Art Institute enriches daily life with dynamic, innovative visual arts programming that upholds excellence and promotes inclusive community participation.

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2024 Officers:

Officer positions are elected yearly. All officer positions are open.

President: Robin Washington: board member, not running for board or officer position, Nominating Committee Chair

Vice-president: Celia Cameron: board member, third term, running for same officer position

Secretary: Open

Treasurer: Juli Kellner: board member, second term

2025 Terms Current and Running (non-officer) Board Members:

The Duluth Art Institute is able to seat up to 18 board members. There are up to 8 board member seats open. Board members may serve three terms. Each term is three years.

Claudia Faith: second term, current

Rogier Gregoir: second term ended, running for third term

Vern Northrup: second term ended, running for third term

Meghann Masters: first term, current 

David Austin: first term, current

Cary Komoto: first term, current 

Dr. Olawole Famule: second term, current

Please check your email for the nomination form. 

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